Campaign Results
Initial Conversion met objective. Retention objective achieved through reduced churn and positive customer feedback.
Campaign Results
So successful in the Australian market, this pack was rolled out to New Zealand Card Members.
Campaign Results
Segment targeting proved accurate with response 5% above expectation.
Campaign Results
Not only was the campaign objective achieved but 'socialising' of the product offer was identified as recipients became product advocates passing onto their peers for consideration.
Campaign Results
Ongoing drip feed of applicants at a very low cost per conversion.
Campaign Results
A healthy conversion to sale was supported by a significant lift in leads generated for future Nurturing.
Campaign Results
An lift in response proved that reducing total spend and only targeting one gender was a success.
Campaign Results
An lift in response proved that reducing total spend and only targeting one gender was a success.
Campaign Results
The seed planted, enquires surpassed objectives by 25%. Investors converted at a rate of 6% above expectations.
Campaign Results
The Capital Asia Fund was oversubscribed in the 8 week campaign period. Ongoing enquires continue.
Campaign Results
The Capital Europe Fund was fully subscribed within a 6 month period following campaign launch. Ongoing enquires continue.
Campaign Results
Over $24mill in funds raised for the launch of the farmers fund in the 1st year.
Campaign Results
The success of Recovery Care was measured in two area: 1. applications where budgeted objectives were met and 2. lifting brand comfort knowing that a smaller regional financial institution could meet a wide range of customer needs
Campaign Results
Important outcomes included high take-up of entry point cover (allowing for future Cross-Sell and Upgrade and interestingly response from farmers who were not on database but had information referred to them from Direct mail pack recipient.
Campaign Results
A guide to the success of the campaign was the need for sourcing an additional bulk quantity of leather attache to meet demand.
Campaign Results
The proposition struck a chord with a higher than campaign objective take up. Further a great number of conversion occurred when each request for 'series of free flash cards' was courtesy called back to ensure we had the right address details allowing the product benefits to be explained again in detail and any customer concerns alleviated.
Campaign Results
Take up of the policy met campaign objective and a huge response requesting the full series of Fact Cards ensured plenty of leads for future campaigns.
Campaign Results
As a test Direct Marketing proved a viable channel option. A future rollout delivered improved outcome taking learnings from leads generated during test.
Campaign Results
Usage and dollar volumes increased by 12% YoY. The microsite captured more data for future campaigns.
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Campaign Results
The overall growing usage of BPAY also helped contribute to the success of this payment product.

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Banking and Finance, Direct Marketing Specialists Agency, data sourcing, Email marketing, Lead generation, Direct mail, Email lists, Telemarketing lists, Mail Lists, Digital Marketing, Data acquisition, Social Media, Facebook, Google Adwords, Direct Response Advertising, Video, B2B Sales Collateral, SYDNEY I NORTHERN BEACHES I HOBART